experience from sixth grade until now
I was very happy
because I still can go up to six grade. I got a rank . I then promised to study
harder because I will follow the national exam. we all live day to day with
passion . Day after day passed, imperceptible the awaited day of waiting and
worrying is came . exam took place on 3
consecutive days.
that question was
easy for me dan my classmate thanks to the teachers who has given knowledge for
all . after the exam, the entire sixth grade are holiday . But in the particular
day, we must come to school to practice farewell. my classmate are all happy
because there is a long weekend . but
they are also sad to leave the school, teachers, and beloved friends . on the day of farewell, my friend was so
sadness with me . farewell is very festive but decorated with sadness.My
classmates have chosen to enter smp where , as well as me .
me and my some
friends are chose to enter smp one . to enter the smp one, we have to be tested
because smp is a favorite school and international level . the reason I got smp one because smp one is a reliable and is the
best school . After the test, there are announcement of pass smp one . I passed
enter smp one . after the announcement , there are MOS or the orientation of
students . we follow the teaching-learning process. for that we are separated
into several groups . I follow group two . in each groups , there are observer
big brother who is friendly and generous smile . he will provide direction . after
that , on Monday all students ceremonies . there was an announcement of its entry into
the determination of class what . I entered the seventh grade one . all were
entered into each class . first day in class, there are introductions . teachers
and friends are very nice and friendly. on the next day, had begun a process of
learning and teaching . during the first semester, I succesfully reach rank
three. very fast time went by, as I write this experience is the last valuation
of the second semester . I hope that my values and the value of my classmates are will increasing and all can go up to grade eight .
Amin O : )
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